Day 276. 89 days and $90 left to go.

Today was a bold and bright one! I'm just warning you as this piece is literally fluorescent orange. No joke. Fluorescent. Orange. Ooh, and's a muumuu too!! Day 276 - Before

Slightly blinding but exactly the wakeup call...this and my cup of Folgers :)

Holy Sleeves!

I grabbed my seam rippers and started undoing the seams right around the sleeves...

Clip the pits!

...until I got them completely off!!

No Mo!!

I didn't cut the length of the dress but just grabbed a braided belt, put it around my waist, ungathered it a bunch and had a new dress for my day!!

Day 276 - After

Went to grab a little Mexican with some friends and literally enjoyed a carne asada, chicken, and pulled pork trio for $3!!

Taco Tuesday!!

Some tacos, margaritas, and fun company equals the best way to spend a pre-holiday weekend Tuesday night. Now, this gal loves her some Taco Bell, however tonight's dinner was cheaper than fast food!!

Margie time!!

I mean, a mid-week margie? Sign me up...Mexican food is the key to my heart.