how to make a Halloween costume

DIY Gumball Costume

Halloween is over, but here's a rundown of what I actually wore on the big night! Can't wait to hear what you dressed up like this year! I worked with RIT Dye on this year's costume, so I started with a white cotton dress as the base and then played around with dye to really give off a gumball machine feel!

DIY Gumball Costume

Start a dye bath for your garment next. I used a washing machine, but a stove top works as well. Fill your machine with hot water (run it on a whites wash) or boil the water on your stove top. Add your chosen dye (I went with Cherry Red) to your dye bath...

DIY Gumball Costume

...wet your garment completely in water, and then add your piece to the bath.

DIY Gumball Costume

After the wash is complete (or after you've let the garment marinate on the stove top) toss it into the dryer to dry completely before adding your pompoms!

DIY Gumball Costume

Using a hot glue gun, begin affixing pompoms to the top of the dress.

DIY Gumball Costume

You want to cover the whole front of the bodice.

DIY Gumball Costume

With the pompoms affixed, start creating the rest of the gumball accoutrements with felt!

DIY Gumball Costume

You can create the price sticker using white felt and a marker to write 25 cents on it. The dial can be created by cutting a circle and little rectangle out and gluing them together. The slot where the gumball comes out can be made by trimming a small trapezoid out of the black felt.

And, voila!

DIY Gumball Costume

Insta-gumball costume!!

DIY Gumball Costume

Time to celebrate Halloween!

DIY Gumball Costume

What did you dress up as this year?? Did you DIY anything fun? Share your costumes in the comment area!!

Amy's NDAD Creation: Halloween Edition

Amy chose to dress up as a character from one of my FAVORITE movies, The Breakfast Club.  This is a genius group costume too, by the way.  I'd totally rock a wig and go as Judd Nelson :)  See how she put it together with thrifted goodies from Goodwill!

I wanted a Halloween costume I could wear to work, a "subversive" costume, so I went with the classic Claire (Molly Ringwald) from The Breakfast Club.  I had everything but the skirt, but then found something that would work perfectly at Goodwill!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Halloween Costume - Breakfast Club - Molly Ringwald

Can't wait to see what she put together for Saturday detention!

I found the perfect dark paisley wraparound skirt at GW and paired it with a pink T-shirt, just like Claire's costume!  The thrifted skirt was perfect as it was, and as a lifelong thrifter I had to put together a Halloween costume made up of these pieces!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Halloween Costume - Breakfast Club - Molly Ringwald

I love your blog.  It gives me such great ideas for when I find things that are amazing fabrics but insane styles!

You look so great, Amy!  What a perfect costume to wear, especially when you work at a school!  I want to borrow/steal this costume idea at some point.  I would have loved seeing my teachers in something like this.  Because it's stuck in my head, I can't resist sharing the theme song, "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds.  Best. Ever.

Sandra's NDAD Creation: Halloween Edition

Here's another costume, on the couple front!  I love group costumes just for the fact that you pretty much have to stay together all night.  You can't have a "Saved By the Bell" group get-up without your Screech, right?  I'm working on a few costumes to feature here, but my main outfit is something that could work with a group.  I'm hoping that I run into other people who are dressed in the same genre to take photos with.  Cryptic much??  For today, check out Sandra's costume...

Hi Marisa, I'm a huge fan of your page, blog and talent.  A few years ago I had a themed party to go to and along with my crafty friend, we created costumes from Value Village - a Sonny and Cher duo costume that my husband and I went as!

For my Cher look, we found a beautiful bright-colored sari that we used as my vest, a pair of bellbottoms, and then used the scraps for a headband.  My hubby's cords were fun to work on as we cut them open at the bottom and added a brocade drapery curtain to create a far out pair of bells with fringe.  To complete the look we used some of my own clothing along with wigs, and voila!

New Dress A Day - DIY Halloween Costumes - Sonny and Cher

We had such a blast and have gone on to create some other fun costumes as well!  Thanks for letting me share.  Your Canadian fan, Sandra.

You guys look SO groovy.  A fantastic duo costume, for sure!  Isn't it amazing all the stuff you can score at the thrift store for period pieces like this?  Can't wait to see this year's look!