Goodwill vintage skirts

Amy's NDAD Creation: Halloween Edition

Amy chose to dress up as a character from one of my FAVORITE movies, The Breakfast Club.  This is a genius group costume too, by the way.  I'd totally rock a wig and go as Judd Nelson :)  See how she put it together with thrifted goodies from Goodwill!

I wanted a Halloween costume I could wear to work, a "subversive" costume, so I went with the classic Claire (Molly Ringwald) from The Breakfast Club.  I had everything but the skirt, but then found something that would work perfectly at Goodwill!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Halloween Costume - Breakfast Club - Molly Ringwald

Can't wait to see what she put together for Saturday detention!

I found the perfect dark paisley wraparound skirt at GW and paired it with a pink T-shirt, just like Claire's costume!  The thrifted skirt was perfect as it was, and as a lifelong thrifter I had to put together a Halloween costume made up of these pieces!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Halloween Costume - Breakfast Club - Molly Ringwald

I love your blog.  It gives me such great ideas for when I find things that are amazing fabrics but insane styles!

You look so great, Amy!  What a perfect costume to wear, especially when you work at a school!  I want to borrow/steal this costume idea at some point.  I would have loved seeing my teachers in something like this.  Because it's stuck in my head, I can't resist sharing the theme song, "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds.  Best. Ever.