velour nightgown

Remake: Red Velour Nightgown

When you find a red velour nightgown on your thrifting adventures, you immediately think, "this is something 6-year-old me wore." Vintage nightgown - New Dress A Day

Seriously, this could be the adult version of my Christmas Eve jammy-jams.

Vintage nightgown - New Dress A Day

I feel like it's my upcycling duty to make this piece work.

Vintage nightgown - New Dress A Day

Because, there's lots of potential here.

Vintage nightgown - New Dress A Day

Non-nightgown-y potential here, ya know?

I started by unzipping the zipper down to the lace trim.

New Dress A Day - velour nightgown

The neckline is going to be a bit different - we don't need all that velour up there!

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

The collar got trimmed, er, removed and the lace is going to be a lovely guide to creating a new neckline!

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

Post-neck tweaks came the sleeve adjustment. I got a little scissor happy and snipped off the sleeves, past the elbows.

New Dress A Day - velour nightgown

Some pinning and stitching came next to make this short-sleeved!

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

I wanted to make this fit better, so I took in the body a few inches. Less billowy, overall :)

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

I had dinner plans with friends, so I wore my new piece with black chunky flat sandals and my vintage purse.

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

Using a mix of modern and vintage accessories, the former nightgown feels much more "wear out in public" now.

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

I arrived just in time for the most magical sunset.

New Dress A Day - Silver Lake, Los Angeles

It was a perfect balmy night with good friends, amazing food, and city lights in the background. If only every night could be this dreamy.

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

Ooh and I became BFFs with a telescope. Maybe I missed my calling?? (Actually, I definitely did NOT as I barely got through Freshman year ASTR 100 when the Physics element of the star-gazing got in my way. Science...not this girl's BFF.)

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

Yay for old nightgowns turning into fun and comfy new dresses!

New Dress A Day - Velour Nightgown

Three cheers!!

New Dress A Day - red velour nightgown