polyester dress

Remake: White Polyester Peplum Dress Pt. II

Remember this before look?? Polyester, peplum, ink spots... New Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dress

We crafted it into this lovely top...

New Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dress

...but there was room to style it in more ways!! I decided for the second wear, I'd pair it like this...

Top! Skinny jeans! Heels! Vintage purse!

New Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dress

I love that you get to see the peplum now!!

New Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dressNew Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dress

It's amazing how switching out the bottom option changes the entire look and feel to the outfit!

New Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dress

From one spotty dress to a new top worn in multiple ways. Couldn't be happier with this one!!

New Dress A Day - vintage white polyester dress

What are you making/wearing this weekend??

Labor Day Whites!

You guys...I have a BIG question to pose. Whites after Labor Day - yay or nay?! This dress has some severe spot action.

New Dress A Day - vintage white dress

All those spots will be tackled, but what are your thoughts on the color?

New Dress A Day - vintage white dress

Do we break the Labor Day rules or do we go with a new shade of color?? Let me know your thoughts below! Happy Labor Day weekend!

Remake: Pleated Floral Polyester Dress

So, I scored this fab polyester dress a few months back and finally decided it was time to get to work! New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress

There was a fun sash going on 'round the neck...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress

...as well as some big n'baggy sleeves.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress

How shall I SUMMERize this dress?

I began by trimming the pleated portion of the dress at the waist.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress

What I found after I removed this ruffled portion...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

...was this extra dress layer!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

However, the fabric of the top portion of the dress was facing wrong side out. To amend this situation, I thought I'd turn this into a ruffle to hang over the top of this new shirt!

Before getting ruffle-y, I pinned a new section of the waist to add elastic into. The current waist was SO stretched out that it needed a little help. I pinned...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

...I sewed...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

...I added new elastic...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

...and then folded over my new ruffle.

From too big dress to fun, cinched waist, new top!!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

I think this could work as multiple garments. A very short dress, perfect as a beach cover up, could be next on the agenda!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

I added a pair of my favorite worn in Gap jeans, a pair of BCBG pumps that I've had for years, and a vintage frog belt.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

I was surprised by a quick sprinkler party in the neighborhood as I was shooting...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

...which was actually super surprising because we're supposed to be cutting back on water usage because of the drought that we're in, here in SoCal!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester

I have more plans for this piece. I'm going to try to see how many times I can repurpose this guy!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Dress - Polyester