Home Depot crafts

DIY: Garden Pick Hair Clip

On the 5th day of holiday DIY my true love gave to me, a garden pick turned into a clip for all to see.  I'm a rhyming machine!! New Dress A Day - DIY - garden pick hair clip

Day 5: Garden Pick Hair Clip

New Dress A Day - DIY - garden pick hair clip

1. E6000 Glue

2. Hair clips

3. Garden picks

What happens when you go to Home Depot to grab painter's tape and end up scouring all of the aisles??  You pick up things from the garden section (decorative picks) to turn into accessories!!

See how to create this adorable DIY in three easy steps!

First break off the wooden dowel attached to the garden pick...

New Dress A Day - DIY - garden pick hair clip

Next add glue to the back of the pick...

New Dress A Day - DIY - garden pick hair clip

...and affix a hair clip/comb/bobby pin to the glued area.

New Dress A Day - DIY - garden pick hair clip

Let dry and kablamo!  Brand new clip for the tresses!

New Dress A Day - DIY - garden pick hair clip

This project couldn't be easier.  Just think outside the box a little and try to come up with other things that could be made into clips as well because the world is your oyster!!

(Sidenote; I made two of these clips, so if there are any takers for the other one, let me know!  Present will head your way...)