DIY Freddy

Halloween Location Looks: 23 of 31 - Nightmare on Elm Street

My month of DIY costumes shot in front of the actual shooting locations continues!! Day 23 is here and it's a Halloween horror classic. Today’s costume comes from:

Nightmare on Elm Street - title card

I feel like I catch this movie each year during all the Halloween marathons on TV.

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

So, the actual house from the movie is totally in my hood! It looked like this...

Nightmare on Elm Street - House

..and like this in the movie...

Nightmare on Elm Street - House

...but in real life, how lovely is this house!! Movie house = nightmares. IRL House = dreamy.

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

But, the best part of this movie...JOHNNY DEPP!! Love the horror movie starts for celebs. (Hello Jennifer Aniston in Leprechaun!!)

Nightmare on Elm Street - Johnny Depp

So, to complete a Freddy costume from Nightmare on Elm Street, here are the main elements you'll need:

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

1. Sweater (I found my shirt at Goodwill, but here's a spot on replica sweater from Hot Topic.)

2. Glove (I had a "Wolverine" glove that I used but there are Freddy gloves everywhere. Plus the real deal glove scares me to death!)

3. Hat (Mine is vintage, but this style is everywhere.)

I put on my thrifted striped top, grabbed my plastic glove, and donned my hat for the easiest DIY costume to create.

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

Freddy's got some moves!

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

The red door matched the sweater so nicely!

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

This to me was one of the scariest things I saw when I was a kid.

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

Nightmares at slumber parties? Check!

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

As much as I've matured, if someone wore this and creeped up on me, I'd still lose it! I get scared over everything.

Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger

Twenty-three looks down, 8 to go!

Film Details:

Nightmare on Elm Street (New Line Cinema, dir: Wes Craven)

Location: 1428 Genessee Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046