146 Days to Go: Korrie's NDAD Creation

I love Korrie!!  She's totally submitted a slew of remakes that it just makes me happy seeing all the fabulousness she creates!  Today was dye related and I'm all about a little RIT dye added to just about anything!! Korrie's before...

New Dress A Day - Korrie - Before - Day 146

Check out the cute back...

New Dress A Day - Korrie - Before From The Back - Day 147

Hi Marisa!

My first dye job!  It was supposed to be Scarlet Red, but turned a little more orange...

I cut off the top to make it a skirt, attached snaps on either side, pulled back the pleating, and turned it around!

New Dress A Day - Korrie - RIT Dye - Snaps - Day 147

The close ups are pictures of the snaps I added to pull back the pleats.

New Dress A Day - Korrie - RIT Dyed Skirt - Day 147

Thanks again for the inspiration. I'm a teacher, so with summer coming I'll have tons of time for "re-fashioning!"

New Dress A Day - Korrie - RIT Dyed Skirt From The Back - Day 147

I love the shade Korrie!  It still looks pretty reddish to me - it's just the cool part about different fabrics taking to the dye differently.  Can't wait to see more of your projects!!!  You never cease to amaze :)